Tuesday, November 17, 2009

love means never having to say you're sorry

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ph: google
This day has been great this far. Actually.
I just got to say, YOU MUST SEE LOVE STORY!!!
I watched it for the... hm.. 436291153th time (?) today and it still makes me
just as happy and sad as it did the first time I saw it. See it. SEE IT.
What I love about it is, first, Ali McGraw! And look at her clothes in the movie!
I want to be her! Or no, I don't, and you'll know why when you've watched it.
But still. It's so fin in swedish and their relationship is so awkward and funny and
beautiful. Now I realize me and Elsa must love love. Every movie we write about
is about love. And is named Love story, corny. (okay, there has been 2 ones...)
Anyway! See that movie as soon as you can! Gigi.



Kikiiii said...

sounds a great movie! it's swedish?

Narwhals said...

no it's not! it's in english :)

Alma said...

åh, jag älskar den filmen!! Jag har sett den kanske... 900 gånger? OCH jag ääälskaaaar Ali McGraw, jag önskar att jag såg ut som henne.

Kikiiii said...

are you polish?

Narwhals said...

cate; no, we're swedish.

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