Tuesday, April 27, 2010


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here you go! two pictures of my newest friend Herman! Isn't he pretty cute?

seems like summer is here, at last, and i like it. today elsa and i went to artschool and we had funnn! i was going to show you my new old denim-jacket that i found in my mothers closet, but it's too dark to take pictures right now = i'll show you later this week.

i'm totally aware of how slow i am but i've just discovered skype, and yay, i love it. me and elin stays up all night long just talking via skype, about nothing in particular! haha.

well, that's all for now i guess.

and please, if there's something that you'd like to see more of or so, write it now! we get some requests here and there but it would be so much easier for us if we got it all on the same time, really. so, write whatever you feel!



SPATULA said...


Anonymous said...

herman looks pretty rad :)
and i like your video blogs and outfit posts :) x

Anonymous said...

Hi girls ! I would like to see videoblog ! I just like them ! And post with your friend's ! And picture of where you live in Stockholm, i've never been here so i would like to see hiw it is :)

Elin said...

Sött par säger jag bara!

Narwhals said...

SPATULA: Herr Man hälsar att han gillar dina benvärmare.

Anonymous1: Okay, thanx!

Anonymous2: We'll do that!! Thanx! xx

Elin: Sött? Inte intelligent/coolt/sprakande?

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