Friday, July 2, 2010

release me

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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im home from the camp (it was great+i miss it)and this is my new shirt (whom i adore).
+i've got a scratch on my knee.

my plans for tonight:write letters+eat icecream+read marcel proust+be happy



Anonymous said...

I can't see who you are ! Alice or Elsa haha ? Sorry :)

Nina said...

Jag hade tänkt att skriva till dig, men haha. blev aldrig av. tänkte att det skulle va kul om du fick ett brev.

Narwhals said...

Anonymous: oh, sorry! Its me, alice. x

Nina: think you meant elsa, im sure shed love a letter from you! x

Irene said...

beautiful black&white

(elsa, did you receive my letter?)

Anonymous said...

Lovely shirt! Where is it from? :)

Narwhals said...

irene_ thanks and i think elsa did x

anonymous_ thanks, it's from cacharel x

Suzanne said...

Beatiful shirt, i'm looking for one like that!

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