Tuesday, August 24, 2010

new shoes

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i got these today from mr postman.
as you can see on the pictures above i am very very very tired and not prepared for whats next, a year of hell. wish me luck. i really haven't got much to tell you since i've spent the last week in the stables, for hours. it makes me calm. except that me and my friends are going to a musicfestivalthing called popaganda this weekend. it'll be fun, i hope. also, my budgerigar is sick, i want to travel and visit friends and i have a new tumblr. <<<<




Oda said...

OMG världens snyggaste skor typ

Anonymous said...

I hope you can manage at school. I, personally hate school quite a lot. Not so much studying itself, but teachers. They can be so annoying sometimes.

minnja said...

Stunning, thanks for sharing !



Narwhals said...

Oda_ tack x x

LeLa_i agree with you. to be honest, i wouldnt say i hat school but its very ... demanding(?). x x

minnja_thanks x x

Ellen said...

var kommer dina skor ifrån? sjukt fina!

Camilla said...



Emma said...

jeg har sett på de og øsnket meg de! hvor mye koster dem?xxe

Amanda said...


Kylie said...

I wanted those boots the first second I saw them... and now you've reminded me! haha! They look great seeing them on you, how do they feel?


Rebecca said...

snygg snygg snygga!

Narwhals said...

thanks and tack everybody! kylie, the feel great and emma, de kostar 235 usdollar, ungefär 1800 kronor xx. alice

nottinghill said...

wow you should be a model, you have really nice features... xxx

Narwhals said...

nottinghill: oh, thank you very much! <3

Suzanne said...

are they comfy? I've been wondering that

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