Sunday, January 30, 2011

dancing with jesus

The shirt is new and second hand, the long sleeved t-shirt is second hand and so are the shorts. 

Hell-o friends and foes, lovers and haters. How are you? I am quite swell, I guess. Here's a recap of my weekend. 

Friday: Met up with Fanny and sat at LouieLouie for about two hours, drinking tea and coffee. After that we met up with Karin to go to a party at American Apparel. It was drinks, snacks and a small sale. We only stayed for about half an hour though, it wasn't that much fun. After that we walked around for a while, wondering what to do next. So, we went to my place with two other people and hung out there. Playing twister and stuff. Karin slept over. 

Saturday: Woke up pretty early. Karin and I watched the breakfast club eating pancakes. She lost her shoe (I've found it now!), so borrowed a pair of mine and went home. I walked over to my moms place to study, but ended up at brunch and then went shopping with her. After that I went home, took a shower and went to meet up with Fanny. We were supposed to go to this super hyped party studio total was throwing. But they wanted ID which we lacked, so we ended up at my apartment again, making fun of Rebecca & Fiona, our favorite task... I went to bed pretty early.

Sunday: Today I'm going to brunch with my dad and studying and watching tv series with my mom.

Other things1: You often ask me to post party pictures, that won't happen. I rarely take pictures at parties and if I do they're never any good. So it's not going to happen.
Other things2: You have got to stop asking me about my body and what I do to stay thin. Because I'm not trying to stay thin, actually I'm trying to do the opposite. I eat food and I go to the gym once a week. I want to fill out but eating food and gaining fat doesn't seem to work, so instead I use muscle. Now, stop asking.

Hope you have had a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous said...

i love your blog to death, its my new favorite :)

georgia lilly said...

wonderful ! i love your crudeness - its nice to see frank people in a world full of people who are quite the opposite ? also when is your birthday ? mine was on saturday.

love the blog.


l said...

du är så jävla cool! så som du ser ut på bilderna, bakåtstruket hår och skjortkrage är bara ett stort JA. det var bara det.

Michelle said...

your life sounds so free and fun! all I have time to do is go to work, college, homework, then sleep. Blah!

Rebecca said...

gillar kombon med skjorta och tröja över!

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