Thursday, January 20, 2011

organic chemistry & hydrocarbons

elsa + olivia in chemistry class

love josephine

beautiful + focused elsa

elin + pineapple and carrot juice

elin and i, very pretty indeed..

today our math teacher said good bye to us, it was his last day on school. + our principal talked with our class cause she is leaving too. crazy...
i went to kungsholmens gymnasium today where they had open house (...what do you call it in english?) 
since we ninth graders are about to make our choices for upper secondary school / high school / whatever you choose to call it, we have to visit all the schools that we are interested in and it takes time and i still do not know which one to choose! 
ni som bor i stockholm: var vill ni gå? 

well well..

it is friday tomorrow! i will probably be "taking care" of two kids tomorrow night. like baby sitting, except they are not babies. on saturday elsa and i + the other girls are going to elsa (not elsa elsa, but our friend elsa!) for dinner! it will be lovely.



Hanna said...

You take greattt pictures!

Anonymous said...

So cool photos from the chemistry class! And other photos are also great! I have an exactly the same situation: I'm finishing the ninth grade and have to choose which high school to go. I don't know either where I want to go yet!

Anonymous said...

i love these pictures :)

Vanja said...

Jag vill gå Globala! Men det visste ni nog redan, jag tror inte att jag pratade om något annat hos Karin...
Ni ska gå där ni med, ja?

Narwhals said...

Lela: Oh! Guess we will find out when it is time :) x

anonymous: x

vanja: ja du sa det! nej, jag tror inte någon av oss kommer gå där. elsa kanske kommer ha det som andra- eller tredjehandsval... xx alice

Irene said...

haha, i'm also learning organic chemistry now!

Alma said...

Jag är sjukt inne på kulturama!:) men Kungsholmen internationella sectionen vore inte heller helt fel..:) puss på finaste bloggen!

Moa said...

Jag vill gå på Kungsholmen :) Var också på deras öppna hus. Det är inte något ni funderar på?

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