Saturday, November 14, 2009

no party.

i feel like such a no lifer sitting in on a saturday night, when one of my closest friends is having a party. it really sucks. i missed it because my phone hade no batterys and due to that was turned off, so i missed their phonecall - which really sucks. so instead, i made this video, to sort of show you how bored i am this evening. my dad is making funny notes about the movie The day after tomorrow, it's funny. is there anyone else out there who's bored and wants to give me some symathy? xxx .e.


Johanna said...

hahah snyggsnygg video! det är kul att göra videos faktiskt!
tack så hemskt mycket, duffeln är tyvärr min systers men jag passar inte i den så jag är inte speciellt ledsen.
din mamma har tyvärr rätt, jag köper en film med 20 bilder och det kostar 500 kr....svindyrt så jag passar på att önska mig det till julklapp och liknande

Zoe said...

nice dancing :) haha

Anonymous said...

Cool video:)
Love the song, what is it called?

Anonymous said...

Cool video:)
Love the song, what is it called?

Anonymous said...

Cool video:)
Love the song, what is it called?

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