Tuesday, December 15, 2009


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snow fall
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my balcony right now
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this is how B-O-R-E-D I am with myself 
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tiny little snowflakes

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A ghost

Today has been a pretty good day! I got some of my semester-grades back and they were all good! I am so so happy for not having to kill myself by studying tonight. By the way, we have loads of snow here in Stockholm!! It's like a winter wonderland outside. Except the wind. Today in school we sang a lot. We sang kids, 21 guns and some swedish christmas songs. Alex played the guitar and I played the piano and we had very much fun! I wore a striped sweater today. Now I am going to watch Ugly Betty for the first time ever without being stressed. 



Karin said...

asså alice dina ögenbryn, eller hela du. och jag hatar vinden men älskar snön! xxx

Narwhals said...

hoppas att du menade det som positivt och isåfall TACK! på den fronten håller jag fullständigt med dig- fy för vind, hurra för snö. xxx A

Karin said...

inget ont menat. glömmer ibland att få fram det jag menar.

Narwhals said...

jag förstod det. jag förstår hur du menar. händer mig hela tiden. bli alltid fel. xx

Elin said...

Alice du ser verkligen ut som ett spöke på den sista bilden... Spöket Laban :)

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