Wednesday, November 11, 2009

do you remember?

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my room + the remembarence day flower.
today is remeberance day - and my brothers birthday. we're having a little dinner, with the family. anyway, what are you up to? how was your day?


andrea said...

å du är söt, fan yngre och sötare än mig, haha

Unknown said...

I love your skirt! Is that the one that you made?

Sophies Choice said...

thank you so much! i really like your room.
The black wall you've got, is very cool, and the light on.

Josephine said...

är det där den kjolen du skulle sy, för i så fall är du ett litet proffs!

michael said...

I was very interested to see you with a poppy and asking about rememberance day.I always thought that England was the only country that had this tradition of poppies.How long has Sweden been remembering with poppie and do any other countries follow this tradition?
In England it is a very sad day--I always go to the rememberance service at the war memorial in our town and observe the 2 minutes silence---and it always brings a tear to my eye,not only for the loss of the lives of so many but also for the fact that we never learn!!

Jess said...

such a cute flower.
I love that thing that goes around on the waist of your skirt. not sure if it's part of the skirt or if you added it on.

Isabela said...

in love with your skirt

Narwhals said...

Lani: Yes it is! And thankyou :)
Sophie: Thanks! I just happen to love it too. Haha!
Michael: I don't really know. But I'm a quarter american and my grandfather mentioned it and gave me the remembarence day flower. I think it's nice. It is a sad thing, but i have it because yesterday was the day they stopped shooting in world war two. Maybe I'm wron? Anyway, that's why I had it. Also because my grandfather was a doctor who took care of injured american soldiers.
Jess: I made the skirt myself and when I finished I had some fabric left-overs, so I thought, "Hey! Why not just add it?". Thanks, by the way.

Isabela: Thanks bee!


Jacquelyn said...

wow! your room looks so cute! you MUST do a room tour! and i love your skirt :)

k. said...


i do love this blog very much!
and have a question;

what kind of camera (and photoshop?) do you use?


Narwhals said...

lumberjackie: Thank you! That's sweet. I will... either in video or pictures. Haven't decided yet.

k: aah, thanks, that makes me happy! I use Canon Eos 450D and i don't use photoshop, I rarely edit my images. Sometimes I use picnic or some other photo editing software on my computer, to crop images and such. But, I never understood photoshop, I have it at work - but it's waaaay complicated!

x's to both of you!

Rebecca said...

your room looks so nice!
and I love this blog:)

michael said...

In answer to your question,Remembrance day originates from the ceasefire at the end of the first world war at 11 a.m. on the 11th November 1918.Every year on that date and time we in England observe a 2 minute silence with a short ceremony.On the nearest Sunday ---Remembrance Sunday--there is a big parade in London and smaller parades in every town and village with a war memorial where wreaths of poppies are laid and prayers are said and we all recite the following:
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
Poppies were the first thing to grow on the graves of soldiers in the poor soil in Flanders fields and became a synmbol and the selling of poppies became a means of charitable support for soldiers and their families.Probably inspired by a famous poem by a Canadian soldier killed in 1918.
"In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields."

Lisa said...


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